How To Get Clients For A Small Call Center?

Starting a small call center can be a great way to earn extra income or even start a new business. But one of the biggest challenges you’ll face is getting clients. What should be your strategy to get clients for a small call center?

Do you monitor the success of outsourcing agreements?

Lack of clarity and communication are the major reasons why outsourcing agreements fail to meet objectives. Clients are quick to conclude that the agency was not competent and the search for a new outsourcing vendor begins. Like all other processes, the success of outsourcing is dependent on the preparation and adherence to the plan. Follow these tips to measure the success of outsourcing.

Look Beyond the MEAN

The extremes on both sides of the curve strongly influence customer behaviour. Hence, It is important to look beyond the MEAN to address the variation in a process. Understanding the variation along with the average performance and addressing the root causes for variation will help you better conform to customer expectations.

Are you missing out on Sales?

Small business data from one of SurePayroll’s small business scorecard reveals that 74% of small business websites do not have eCommerce features on their website. Only a quarter of small businesses use their website to conduct sales. Even with growing ease of online purchase and preference of customers to buy almost everything online, 42% of…