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Sales Strategy – The 90 / 60 / 30 rule

Sales Strategy

We live and work in a connected world and global economy. The internet and easy access to communication channels, networking sites and lead generation tools help us connect with strangers to build our sales pipeline.

While we may ensure we share emails and messages with all prospects as a sales strategy, the sheer volume of new leads makes us lose track of a few if not most prospects.

On the last count, I had a list of more than 2500 relevant connections and almost 60% of those are prospective buyers.

The challenge – After the initial customary greeting and intro, I have not been writing to them quite often. I risk becoming irrelevant to my prospects. Does this sound familiar?

The solution: the 90 / 60 / 30 rule of communication. So how does this sales strategy work?

While the suggestion in itself may seem basic, most of us fail to initiate a personal conversation with our connections and prospective clients. Communication is the key to establishing a long term strategic relationship with existing and prospective clients to increase sales opportunities.

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